Petroleum Storage Tanks State Resource Locator Back to State Resource Locators Feedback

Petroleum Storage Tanks State Resource Locator


Petroleum Storage Tanks

Most commercially-owned petroleum storage tanks are regulated by the U.S. EPA and state environmental agencies or other state and local agencies such as the commerce department or fire marshal. Rules are different depending on whether the storage tank is underground (UST) or aboveground (AST). The applicability of rules is also affected by the capacity of the tank.

The federal regulations concerning underground storage tanks (USTs) are contained in 40 CFR 280. Aboveground storage tanks used for diesel fuel or other petroleum products are regulated under Clean Water Act regulations referred to as Spill Prevention, Control and Counter Measures or SPCC rule (40 CFR 112).

Below you will find information on Kentucky's regulations for petroleum storage tanks, including both USTs and ASTs:

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