Universal Waste State Resource Locator Back to State Resource Locators Feedback

Universal Waste State Resource Locator

New York

What You Need to Know

In New York the Department of Environmental Conservation enforces the hazardous waste regulations, including the Universal Waste Rule. If you have any questions, contact someone at Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials.

New York's Universal Waste Rule (which uses federal regulations) covers the following wastes:

  • batteries (e.g., lithium, nickel-cadmium, mercury, silver-oxide, and lead-acid batteries -- unless recycled under other regulations);
  • pesticides;
  • mercury containing devices (e.g., thermostats, switches); and
  • electric lamps (e.g., fluorescent, high intensity discharge, sodium vapor, and mercury vapor); and
  • aerosol cans.
Certain other battery types (e.g. alkaline and carbon zinc cells that have been manufactured without mercury) may not be classified as hazardous wastes, and would therefore not fall under the Universal Waste Rule. However, as a matter of responsible practice, such batteries should be collected and sent to recycling facilities, rather than being landfilled.

Read the above regulations, talk to someone at the Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials and use the other resources found below to learn more about these rules. Here's what to look for and ask about:

  • Do I need to register as a universal waste handler?
  • What waste accumulation and storage requirements apply?
  • Do I need to label universal waste storage containers?
  • Where can I dispose of universal waste?
  • What waste transportation and disposal requirements apply?
  • Are there any employee training requirements?
  • Are there any tracking, reporting and recordkeeping requirements?

Other tools, fact sheets, and resources:
Disposal Options for Fluorescent and HID Lamps in New York State Regulatory guidance for the disposal of fluorescent bulbs and ballasts.
Universal Waste Rule A plain language guide New York's Universal Waste Rule.
State Battery Recycling Laws
NY Mercury Management Website
Managing Dental Mercury
Managing Mercury in the Air
Mercury Components in Vehicles Law Section 27-2101 of the ECL
Mercury Switches in Automobiles and Trucks
Managing Mercury-Containing Equipment
Managing Mercury-Added Consumer Products in New York State
Use of Enforcement Discretion for Discarded Mercury-Containing Equipment, Policy (CP-39)
Fluorescent and HID Lamps - Hazardous Waste Lamp Management
Fact Sheet - Mercury Switch Management Guidance for Vehicle Dismantlers
Managing Dental Mercury Website
Mercury-Added Consumer Law and the Healthcare Industry
List of Mercury and Dental Amalgam Recyclers & Hazardous Waste Haulers
Guide for Dentists for Managing Mercury and Amalgam Wastes

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