Construction & Demolition Debris State Resource Locator Back to State Resource Locators Feedback

Construction & Demolition Debris State Resource Locator



Primary State Agency: California Environmental Protection Agency

General C&D Debris Information

C&D Debris Recycling

In the US, wastes from new construction, renovation and especially demolition projects generate about 35% percent of our country's solid waste volume. US-wide, about three quarters of C&D waste is recovered or recycled. However, too much of the C&D debris ends up in landfills (145 million tons/year), which is a problem because:

  • many current landfills are reaching capacity and will close soon,
  • locating new landfills is a tough job and takes years to accomplish, and
  • costs of landfilling go up each year.
Builders and demolition contractors save money and help the environment by recycling various components of construction and demolition waste rather than disposing of this material. Tremendous opportunities exist for reusing and recycling C&D waste. For additional information, check below under Other Resources.

Other Resources

Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Materials. EPA promotes a Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) approach that identifies certain C&D materials as commodities that can be used in new building projects.

Sustainable Materials Management Options for Construction and Demolition Debris (2018). This document summarizes various reports produced by EPA since 2012 to help practitioners, regulators, and other stakeholders manage CDD in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment.

Industrial and Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfills . EPA's minimum technical criteria that industrial landfills must meet.

State and Local Government Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials Measurement Reports. A collection of reports showing state-wide C&D materials amounts that were disposed and/or recycled for recent years. Data is not available for all states.

Large-Scale Residential Demolition. This EPA website provides an overview of the federal environmental requirements associated with residential building demolition.

State and Local Government Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials Measurement Reports. A collection of reports showing state-wide C&D materials amounts that were disposed and/or recycled for recent years. Data is not available for all states.

Whole Building Demolition Compliance. A comprehensive approach to compliance with various environmental regulations (e.g., asbestos and lead) that impact whole building demolition. This document is written by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, however it contains references to both state and federal rules.

Planning Your Demolition or Renovation Project: A Guide to Hazard Evaluation, Recycling and Waste Disposal. A useful guide prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources that addresses handling and disposal of hazardous materials associated with demolition and renovation projects.

Best Practices for Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Construction and Demolition Materials. Builders, construction teams and design practitioners can divert construction and demolition (C&D) materials from disposal by buying used and recycled products, practicing source reduction, preserving existing structures, as well as salvaging and reusing existing materials.

State Resource Locators. State Resource Locators (SRLs) allow you to investigate environmental compliance topics for your state. Included are listings of state regulations impacting selected environmental topics along with state contacts and links to useful resources.

Recycling Directory

Construction and Demolition Diversion Information Guide Topics covered: Chapter 501, Statutes of 2002 (Kuehl, SB 1374), Developing a C&D Diversion Ordinance, Methods for Encouraging C&D Diversion, About the Model C&D Ordinance, Model Ordinance Construction, Case Studies, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and County C&D Ordinance List.

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